Dear Friends:
We’ve had a great time taking lots of very special kids and their families out for cruises and fishing trips the past few summers. This is by far the most rewarding, satisfying thing I’ve ever done; and I feel quite strongly that I have been called to continue this important work all through my retirement years. It is very expensive to become a non-profit organization and to refurbish, insure, equip and maintain boats to carry children safely out on Lake Ontario. There are many projects and improvements needed on our boats, but we are currently operating on a shoe string. Every year we pay large sums of money for each of our dock spots and also to winterize and store our boats during the winter months. We also have a list of badly needed equipment, supplies and updates that would allow us to do what we are doing better and safer.
We have recently become a supporter of the “Make - A - Wish” foundation; and we've helped make some wishes (like taking the wheel of a “yacht” and catching a really big fish) come true!
Funds are always needed to pay for dockage, moorings, boat maintenance, equipment, fuel and promotional materials so more families can find out about us. Please know that your tax deductible donation of any size is always a big help and a blessing to us and that no donation is too small! Our contact information and mailing address is on this website, or you can donate securely right here using pay pal.
If your organization has a formal grant application and process, please send us your forms and guidelines and we will send you whatever information and supporting materials you ask for.
All donors will receive a charitable donation receipt.
A donation of your time and a few hours of hard work will help us almost as much as a financial donation. Anyone who is able and willing to do sanding, painting, staining varnishing or fiberglass work would be especially valuable to us at this time. Also anyone who is an electrician, painter contractor, diesel engine mechanic, re-modeler, plumber or carpenter. People willing to do simple tasks like cutting grass, trash removal, scrubbing, cleaning, waxing and buffing are always needed and are a tremendous blessing and a joy to have around.
Please Contact Us If You Are Willing To Volunteer In Any Capacity And Please Help Us
Spread The Word! So Many More Families With "Special" Kids Can Find Out About Us!
Thank You Very Much For Taking The Time To Consider This Request!
”Captain” Dave
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